
Capture high-quality, scalable, and customizable website screenshots with fast API requests, supporting modern web tech and various file formats.
API Integration Automated Screenshot Generation Web Development

Microshot offers a high-performance API for taking high-quality screenshots of any website as fast as possible. The service lets developers automate screenshot taking without much setup or maintenance.

Microshot's API is designed to be highly scalable and efficient, using the latest versions of the Chrome browser to take screenshots that work with all modern web technology. The service infrastructure is built on AWS Serverless technology to ensure reliability even under heavy loads. The API also includes features like CDN caching for fast data transfer and customizable file formats, including on-the-fly conversion to WebP.

Among other features:

  • Full and Responsive Screenshots: Full-page and mobile screenshots with customizable dimensions.
  • Advanced Security: Full HTTPS endpoints for all plans to protect data and privacy.

To get started, customers sign up for an account and make API requests with the URL as a query parameter. Screenshots are available for download from the Microshot CDN, which has more than 140 edge nodes for fast access around the world.

Microshot offers a free plan with 1000 screenshots per month, so developers can try the service without a paid plan commitment. The simple setup and integration process means it's easy to add to existing programming stacks.

Published on June 14, 2024

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