GPTZero is a sophisticated AI detector designed to identify content produced by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. Built to meet the increasing demand for accurate AI detection, GPTZero is a powerful tool for educators, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity professionals.
GPTZero can identify AI at the sentence, paragraph and document levels, using a multi-step process to ensure the highest level of accuracy and the lowest level of false positives. The model is trained on a large, broad dataset of human-created and AI-generated text, with a focus on English prose. This broad training data enables GPTZero to detect AI-generated content in a wide range of situations, including student writing, job applications and online publications.
Some of the key features of GPTZero include:
GPTZero offers a variety of plans to suit different users and needs:
GPTZero collaborates with leading universities and research institutions to ensure the model is updated with the latest developments in AI detection. This focus on innovation and accuracy makes GPTZero a trusted tool for those who need to protect the authenticity of human-created content.
Published on June 10, 2024
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