If you're looking for a more powerful alternative to GPTZero, Winston AI is a good option. It's got a 99.98% detection rate for AI text and works in multiple languages. It's got a Chrome Extension and API for easy integration with web apps, so it's good for education, SEO and writing. It's also got a plagiarism detection tool and AI image detection tool, and it can give you a score and assessment for each sentence in a scan.
Another good option is Copyleaks, which not only spots AI text but also offers full-featured plagiarism detection. It can spot AI text in more than 30 languages and plagiarism in more than 100 languages. Copyleaks can be integrated with Learning Management Systems and offers a customizable API, so it's a good choice for schools and businesses.
If you want an interface that's easy to use and a high detection rate, check out AI Detector. The tool offers immediate detection and a report showing the percentage of AI used in each sentence. It's good for students, teachers, bloggers and businesses who want to ensure authenticity and high quality. The tool offers a free plan with a 5,000 character limit and paid options starting at $5/month.
Last, Turnitin offers more-advanced AI writing detection and plagiarism detection tools geared for the education market. It offers originality checks, feedback and grading tools, so it's a good choice if you want to ensure academic integrity. With its strong support for educators and feature set, Turnitin is geared to handle the new forms of academic cheating that are emerging.