If you're looking for an AI detector that can analyze text at the sentence, paragraph and document levels, GPTZero is a good option. It's intended to detect text created by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini, and it's got features like Deep Scan for detailed analysis, Source Scanning for detecting plagiarism and AI copyright infringement, and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based detection. It's aimed at educators, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity professionals, and offers several pricing tiers, including a free option.
Another good option is Winston AI, which claims a 99.98% detection rate for AI content created by models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. It works in multiple languages and has a plagiarism detector and AI image detector. Winston AI also offers a Chrome Extension and API for web app integration, so it's good for education, SEO and writing. It offers a free trial and several pricing tiers.
If you're looking for a basic, easy-to-use tool, AI Detector could be a good option. The tool has high detection accuracy and a basic interface where you can paste your text to see the percentage of AI used in each sentence. It's good for students, teachers, bloggers, researchers and businesses that want to check authenticity and ensure high-quality content. There's a free plan, and paid options for different needs.
Finally, ZeroGPT offers an AI-powered content checker that can detect AI-generated text with high accuracy. It checks text sentence by sentence and also offers a readability score to help you improve content accessibility. ZeroGPT works with multiple languages and offers unlimited free AI checks, so it's good for things like SEO content, academic work and marketing. It also integrates with WhatsApp and Telegram, so it's a good suite of tools for content creation and analysis.