If you're looking for a tool that offers a detailed report on AI-generated content, including statistics and writing style analysis, GPTZero is a great choice. It features a full AI detection system that detects AI-generated text at the sentence, paragraph and document level. With its Deep Scan, Source Scanning for plagiarism and Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based detection, GPTZero offers behind-the-scenes analysis and detailed writing reports. It also offers multiple plans, including a free BASIC plan, so it can be used for a variety of needs.
Another tool worth mentioning is the AI Detector, which has a high accuracy for detecting AI-generated text and a simple interface. It offers detailed analysis and reports on the percentage of AI used in each sentence, making it useful for students, teachers, bloggers, researchers and businesses. The tool helps maintain academic integrity and high-quality content while offering instant detection and privacy.
For a more powerful tool, Winston AI is a good option. It has a 99.98% detection rate and works in multiple languages. Along with an AI image detector, Winston AI is good for education, SEO and writing. It offers a free trial and multiple pricing tiers, so it can be used for a variety of needs and budgets.
Last, ZeroGPT is an all-in-one platform that includes an AI content detector along with other tools like a summarizer, paraphraser, grammar checker and translator. It can handle batch uploads and integrates with WhatsApp and Telegram for a full suite of content creation and analysis tools. ZeroGPT's pay-as-you-go pricing makes it good for individuals and businesses looking to improve writing and boost productivity.