If you're looking for a powerful tool to detect plagiarism and AI copyright infringement in documents, GPTZero is a top contender. This AI detector is trained to identify text generated by large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4, and with its Deep Scan feature, it can analyze text in much more detail. GPTZero also offers a plagiarism scanner and AI copyright scanner, as well as a Writing Report for more in-depth analysis. It can be integrated with Google Docs through its Origin Chrome Extension and offers multiple plans to suit different needs.
Another top contender is Copyleaks, an AI-powered platform that can detect plagiarized content as well as AI-generated content, including code plagiarism. It can detect AI in more than 30 languages and plagiarism in more than 100 languages. Copyleaks offers integrations with Learning Management Systems and a customizable API, which means it's a good option for schools and businesses that need to protect content at scale. It also has a strong focus on data security and GDPR compliance, which can help you trust it with your data.
If you're looking for a more all-purpose tool geared for education, Turnitin is a good option. It uses AI writing detection technology to identify plagiarism and encourage students to write in their own words. Turnitin offers a range of tools, including originality checks, feedback and grading tools, so it can be a useful tool for teachers. It's designed to address new challenges in academic dishonesty, including AI-generated content, and can help students succeed with personalized feedback and grading.
Last, Winston AI offers a flexible tool to detect text generated by Large Language Models. It has a 99.98% detection rate and supports multiple languages, so it's good for educational, SEO and writing situations. Winston AI offers a plagiarism checker and an AI image detector, and it has an API for web app integration. It's good for quick checks of documents, with results in seconds and a detailed assessment.