
Gain detailed insights into team email usage, including traffic patterns, top senders and recipients, and response times to optimize productivity and customer satisfaction.
Email Analytics Productivity Optimization Customer Satisfaction Improvement Team Performance Management

EmailAnalytics offers detailed insights into your team's email usage so you can better respond to messages and get more out of your email communications. The service works with both Gmail and Outlook, so you don't need to change your email setup or install any software.

Among its features:

  • Email Traffic: See daily and hourly email activity to figure out when your team is most active.
  • Top Senders & Recipients: See who's sending and receiving the most emails.
  • Email Labels & Folders: See email activity by label and folder.
  • Response Time: See how long it takes to respond to emails, overall and by individual.
  • Team Management: Add team members and compare their email activity.
  • SLA Tracking: Set and track Service Level Agreement goals.

EmailAnalytics is designed to help you improve productivity and customer satisfaction by giving you a better idea of what your team is doing with email and letting you make data-driven decisions about how to improve. For example, you can see when your team is most active, who's most active, and how to rebalance email workloads.

Pricing tiers include:

  • Pro: $15 per inbox per month, good for sales teams, customer service teams and remote workers.
  • B2B Email Outreach: $1000 per month, a managed service to generate sales leads through automated email outreach.

EmailAnalytics protects your privacy and security by only reading email header information and using fully encrypted connections. More than 10,000 businesses use the service, and customer reviews show improvements in response times and team performance.

To try it, sign up for a 14-day free trial and authorize access to your email statistics. There's no software installation or training required, so you can keep your existing email workflow.

Published on July 18, 2024

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