
Identify exact-match similar companies and competitors with a proprietary database of billions of employee, financial, and contact data points, updated weekly.
Competitor Analysis Sales Intelligence Data Enrichment

CrustData is a full-service competitor and similar company search and analysis tool powered by AI. The company has built a proprietary database of billions of employee, financial and contact data points that can be searched to find exact-match similar companies and competitors.

CrustData is geared for sales teams and investors who need to make decisions based on up-to-the-minute information. It offers dynamic CRM enrichment, investment intelligence and competitive intelligence to keep tabs on company performance. The company updates its data weekly so customers get the latest information.

Among its features:

  • Real-time LinkedIn Headcount & People Data: Get curated data on company headcounts and people insights.
  • API Integration: Pull data through APIs, screeners, bulk data or CSV files.
  • Multiple Datasets: Use 10+ datasets, including web traffic, Google search impressions, G2 product reviews, CEO and company reviews, investment and investor data, SEO rankings, company news and Form D filings.
  • Accurate Company Classification: AI-powered classification means accurate company categorization and similar company identification.
  • Data Science Support: Get help from data scientists to identify and fill gaps in company and people data, modernize data pipelines and enrich CRM with real-time updates.

CrustData offers a free trial with credits to try its API. Pricing information is available on request. With the service, you can get an edge over your competition with smart data and make better investment and sales decisions.

Published on June 14, 2024

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