Connect The Dots

Visualizes connections between people and companies, providing the best paths to new contacts and warm introductions through email metadata and LinkedIn analysis.
Professional Networking Relationship Management Sales Enablement

Connect The Dots is a tool designed to help you get more out of your professional relationships. It visualizes the connections between people and companies so you can see the best paths to new contacts.

The service brings a new approach by analyzing your email metadata and LinkedIn contacts to build a network map. That lets you see the best ways to get warm introductions and to personalize your outreach.

Among its features are:

  • Unified Contact View: Merge professional emails, personal emails and LinkedIn contacts for a single view of your network.
  • Relationship Strength Scoring: Assess the strength of your relationships so you can focus on the most promising leads.
  • Ask Engine: Use templates and merge variables to write emails that are well crafted and contextually relevant.
  • Ghost Emailing: Let connectors review and send emails on your behalf, using their influence to get more responses.
  • List Sharing: Create target lists and share them with colleagues and partners to generate interest and help.

People can use Connect The Dots for free, with features including:

  • Personal Network with Sharing and Privacy Controls: Invite others to share your network, with control over privacy settings.
  • Unlimited Contacts and Companies: No limits on the size of your network.
  • Unlimited Email Account Syncs: Sync multiple email accounts for mapping your network.
  • Automatic De-duplication, Enrichment, Scoring, and Categorization: Keep your contacts up to date and organized.

For businesses, the service offers a Business Edition that costs $5 per user for up to 50 employees. That includes features like:

  • Shared Company Network: Employees can see a single company network of LinkedIn connections and email contacts.
  • Unlimited External Collaborators: Invite board members, investors, advisors and partners to expand your network.
  • Advanced Relationship Scoring and Insights: More sophisticated data analysis for relationship scoring.
  • 3rd-Degree Extended Network: See connections beyond your immediate network.
  • Team Collaboration and Workflows: Manage intro requests, draft emails and set approved requesters and owners.

Connect The Dots is geared for CEOs, sales leaders, recruiters and investors. It's designed to help you turn your company's network into pipeline revenue by using warm referrals and efficient relationship building.

Published on August 2, 2024

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