
Combines advanced ad tech solutions to optimize ad revenue, offering real-time bidding, AI-driven insights, and precise targeting for publishers and advertisers.
Programmatic Advertising Ad Exchange Supply-Side Platform

Blasto is a full-stack programmatic advertising platform that offers access to OpenRTB powered inventory. The platform combines the latest ad tech solutions to help publishers and advertisers.

For publishers, Blasto offers a Supply-Side Platform that offers the highest revenue potential while maintaining ad quality. This includes direct campaigns, premium inventory access, global demand, advanced targeting, and data privacy and security. Its real-time bidding technology optimizes ad revenue, and the Prebid integration makes ad inventory management easy. Blasto also supports a variety of formats including audio, video, display, CTV and mobile, so publishers can offer a unified ad experience.

For advertisers, Blasto offers a Demand-Side Platform with AI-driven insights, precise targeting and dynamic ad formats to drive conversions. This helps advertisers transform their advertising strategy and reach the right audience. VAST support ensures high-quality video ads, and real-time bidding and prebid integration means streamlined ad operations.

Blasto's ecosystem includes a number of tools and features to improve the advertising experience, including direct campaigns, advanced targeting and global demand. The platform is GDPR compliant, ensuring data privacy and security for publishers and advertisers. It operates three data centers in New Jersey, Amsterdam and Singapore for efficient ad management.

Blasto says it handles 2 billion impressions per month and can handle up to 250,000 queries per second. The company also says it has an ad viewability rate of about 90%. Integrations with industry-standard technologies like Prebid, VAST and oRTB also expand its abilities.

The company also offers a range of resources and support through the platform, including a blog with guides and best practices for programmatic advertising. This information is designed to help advertisers and publishers get the most out of their ad strategies and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

Blasto is well-positioned to meet the needs of both publishers and advertisers in the world of programmatic advertising, with a full ecosystem that includes advanced targeting, real-time bidding and a focus on data privacy and security.

Published on August 6, 2024

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