
Generates personalized workouts based on schedule, available equipment, and fitness goals, adapting to progress and providing motivating challenges.
Fitness Technology Personalized Fitness Workout Planning

Personalized workouts are built into Ardor, with the AI technology generating exercises based on factors like your schedule, available equipment and fitness goals.

Ardor's adaptive programs adapt to your natural progress, so workouts stay challenging and rewarding. The system has features like:

  • Progression-based workouts: The program adapts to your schedule and tracks sore muscles.
  • Equipment flexibility: Workouts use whatever equipment is available to you, whether at home, in a gym or on the road.
  • Personal challenges: Each workout has a personal challenge to keep you motivated.
  • Strength and speed predictions: Ardor estimates your abilities, providing a more complete fitness picture.

You can also follow and share workouts with friends, a good way to build a community and a bit of competition. You can also create one-off workouts or generate new programs if you want to mix things up.

Ardor costs a competitive amount to use, with a free trial and subscription rates starting at $5.99/month. It's available now on iOS, but an Android version is on the way.

Whether you want to improve your general fitness or pursue a specific goal like CrossFit, powerlifting or bodybuilding, Ardor brings a dynamic and personalized approach to help you reach your fitness goals.

Published on June 13, 2024

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