
Eliminate ad tech middlemen and ensure 100% accurate first-party data, direct supply paths, and robust ad fraud prevention for more efficient advertising.
Ad Creation Advertising Supply Chain Optimization Blockchain Solutions

AdHash is an online advertising platform designed to make the industry more efficient, trustworthy and private. By eliminating ad tech middlemen, AdHash promises a more direct and reliable advertising supply chain for advertisers and publishers.

For advertisers, AdHash promises a number of benefits to help them run better campaigns:

  • 100% accurate first-party data: Campaign performance data is recorded and stored on your own servers, so you have complete control and ownership of your data.
  • Direct supply path to premium publishers: You can connect directly with premium publishers, cutting out the ad tech tax and improving brand safety.
  • Real-time reporting and immediate control: Launch campaigns in less than three minutes and get real-time reporting and optimization.
  • Robust ad fraud prevention: Leverage advanced technology to identify and eliminate invalid traffic, so you only pay for real interactions.
  • Built-in heatmaps: Visualize ad performance with color-coded heatmaps to see how ads are performing and where traffic is coming from.

For publishers, AdHash promises:

  • 25x reduction in ad tech tax: Publisher-to-advertiser supply chain means no middlemen taking a cut of revenue.
  • 30x faster ad loading time: Faster ad loading means better user experience and better ad viewability.
  • Radical transparency: See daily records of impressions, clicks and costs so there are no end-of-month surprises.

AdHash is built on blockchain technology to make sure key elements of the platform are secure and transparent, and to make contextual targeting possible without individual profiling. And by running the AdHash platform on-premise or in the cloud, you can keep control of your data and optimize your advertising.

Commission-based pricing is used, with standard and pro options for advertisers and publishers. Standard options start at a 6% commission, while pro options add features like advanced targeting and premium placement on the AdHash Public Marketplace.

By tackling problems like ad fraud, data ownership and supply chain inefficiencies, AdHash hopes to build a more reliable and trustworthy digital advertising ecosystem. Advertisers and publishers can take advantage of its features and focus on building relationships with the people they want to reach.

Published on July 26, 2024

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