AI or Not is an AI detector that can spot AI-generated imagery, audio and identity documents. It offers an Image AI Detector for photos, an Audio AI Checker for music copyright issues, and planned tools like GenKYC for selfie and document verification, and Video AI Checker for deepfake detection in video. The tool offers detailed detection reports and a dashboard to monitor AI risks, and can be used for identity verification and KYC compliance.
Another option is DuckDuckGoose, an AI-based system for detecting and thwarting digital fakery. It offers advanced deepfake detection, identity fraud protection and cost savings, with explainable results that include probability scores and activation maps. It's good for law enforcement, digital identity verification, content authentication and social media security, so it's a good tool for many industries.
Deepfake Detector is geared for fast detection and validation of audio and video files. It includes audio and video analysis, background noise removal and API integration. It's good for anyone who's at risk of deepfake fraud, letting them evaluate voice messages, calls and videoconferences to spot fraud.
To ensure the provenance and integrity of digital content, DataTrails provides a provenance API platform with transparent and tamper-evident audit trails. It ensures that digital content and data is authentic and verifiable, and helps with supply chain visibility and compliance. The platform includes a user-friendly interface, API integrations and a REST API for customization, so it's a good option for maintaining the integrity of digital content.