Deepfake Detector

Detects manipulated videos and audio files using AI analysis, providing probability guidance to help prevent deepfake scams and fraud.
Fraud Detection Audio Analysis Video Analysis

Deepfake Detector is designed to detect manipulated videos and audio that are created with AI technology. By using AI to analyze and validate audio and video files, the tool is designed to protect people and businesses from deepfake scams.

Some of the features of Deepfake Detector include:

  • Audio and Video Analysis: Detect deepfakes by uploading audio or video files.
  • Background Noise Removal: Built-in feature to remove background noise from audio for better results.
  • API Integration: Simple integration of the API into business systems for easy verification.
  • Probability Guidance: Gives probabilities to guide further investigation.

Deepfake Detector is geared for people and businesses who could be vulnerable to deepfake scams. For individuals, it can be used to analyze voice messages and calls to ensure they're authentic. For businesses, it can be used to verify audio messages, calls and meetings to prevent fraud.

Pricing is tiered and based on usage and the number of users. Monthly and annual subscription plans are available, with discounts for longer-term subscriptions:

  • Monthly Subscription: $16.80/month
  • Annual Subscription: $200/year

Deepfake Detector offers dedicated support for integration and a highly accurate detection system that is not limited to a specific voice cloning platform. With years of experience detecting deepfakes, the tool has already helped countless individuals and companies avoid costly losses. By using Deepfake Detector, users can better protect themselves and their organizations from the risks of deepfake technology.

Published on June 14, 2024

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