IBM Security Trusteer

Authenticates customers, prevents fraud, and protects against malicious users across all channels with AI-driven digital identity trust and real-time risk assessment.
Fraud Detection Identity Verification Cybersecurity Solutions

IBM Security Trusteer helps authenticate customers, prevent fraud and protect against malicious users across all channels. This suite of cloud services and endpoint device software uses AI and machine learning to build digital identity trust, ensuring a great user experience while preventing fraud. Trusteer solutions include:

  • Real-time Fraud Detection: Detect fraud across digital channels.
  • Identity Risk Assessment: Evaluate the identity risk of new and existing customers.
  • Mobile Device Risk Assessment: Accelerate mobile growth with real-time device risk assessment.
  • Compromised Device Detection: Identify compromised and vulnerable devices.
  • Malware and Phishing Protection: Help financial institutions detect and prevent infections and attacks.

Trusteer solutions, powered by AI-driven fraud detection and behavioral biometrics, provide a frictionless customer experience while minimizing the risk of unauthorized access. This approach also enables business growth by detecting and preventing fraudulent activity in real-time.

Trusteer solutions are especially valuable for industries such as banking and finance, where digital logins and transactions are critical. The platform reduces user frustration and abandonment by transparently validating user identities and continuously evaluating user behavior for fraud risk.

Trusteer offers a variety of products to meet specific security needs, including Trusteer Pinpoint Detect, Trusteer Pinpoint Assure, Trusteer Mobile, and Trusteer Rapport. These products offer features like AI-driven account takeover protection, digital identity assessment, device risk assessment and malware remediation.

The benefits of using Trusteer include:

  • Continuous Digital Identity Assurance: Transparently identify unauthorized access and activities.
  • Scalable and Agile Cloud Platform: Establish actionable insights through real-time assessments.
  • Single Online Fraud Detection Solution: Enable cross-channel coverage for mobile and web.

Customer case studies from organizations like BoursoBank and Banco Santander show how Trusteer has helped protect their customers from fraud and improve their cybersecurity posture.

Trusteer provides a 156% ROI, according to a Forrester TEI report, and a fraud detection rate of over 90% with less than 0.05% fraud alert rate. By incorporating Trusteer into their security strategy, organizations can find the right balance between user experience and fraud protection and detection.

Published on June 24, 2024

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