If you want to use an AI art generator to transform your photos into art with a variety of styles and filters, OpenArt is a great option. The AI art generator can create images from text-to-image prompts, and it has a broad library of artistic styles based on different styles and periods. You can also train your own model to get the look and feel you want to achieve with your art. The tool has a variety of pricing options, from free to more elaborate professional plans.
Another option is Artiphoria, which has more than 120 visual styles. It's good for a wide range of creative endeavors, including digital art, social media, advertising and photography. With a single click, it can generate a wide variety of artistic output, so it's good for people with a little or a lot of creativity. Artiphoria offers a free trial and several pricing plans for different budgets and needs.
If you want to steer clear of code, Playform offers a variety of higher-level AI art generation tools. With FaceMix and Style Transfer, Pro-Art Filters and Sketch to Art, you can try different styles and effects without having to write any programming code. The company also makes sure all the art you create is your intellectual property, which is a big deal for creative control. Its pay-as-you-go pricing means you only pay when you download or sell your art, so it can be a good value.
Last, Stylize offers a range of AI-powered tools to stylize, edit and refine photos. With a click, you can turn photos into different styles like animated and cyberpunk. It's good for a quick boost to your photos. Stylize uses a freemium model, letting you buy credits to use the tool. That means it's good for casual use, but also for professionals who want to integrate it into their workflow.