
Generate visually appealing images from your specifications with AI-powered tools, producing unique artistic results for various applications, from portraits to product visuals.
AI-powered Image Generation Content Creation E-commerce Optimization

Imajinn offers a range of AI-powered tools that can generate visually appealing images based on your specifications. The platform uses the latest AI technology to reimagine your photos and produce unique artistic results.

Imajinn offers several tools, including:

  • Personalized Children’s Books: Create custom children's books with a child as the main character, turning them into astronauts, musicians, teachers and more.
  • Printed Couples Portraits: Create romantic painted portraits of you and your partner, available as posters, canvas or framed prints.
  • Profile Picture Photobooth: Turn regular photos into awesome profile pictures, portraits, pet or couple shots with AI.
  • Product Photo Visualizer: Turn product photos into something more appealing, great for e-commerce and virtual photoshoots.
  • Sneaker Generator: Create one-of-a-kind sneakers with AI, with the option to have them manufactured.
  • Imajinn WordPress Plugin: Create images directly within your WordPress site using AI image generation.

To use Imajinn, you upload a few photos of the subject, and the system trains a custom AI model in 15-30 minutes. Once trained, you can generate concepts in seconds, export images, and download the raw AI model checkpoint for further use.

Imajinn offers several pricing tiers:

  • Starter: $24.99, trains one model/person, 90-day model storage, 80 custom concepts, and premium product visualization.
  • Small Business: $59/month, trains 5 models per month, keeps unlimited trained models, with 250 concepts/month and high-resolution images.
  • Enterprise: $399/month, trains 50 models per month, keeps unlimited trained models, with 2,000 concepts/month and commercial use for up to 10 users.

All generated images are public domain and free to use without any copyright restrictions. Imajinn respects user privacy, does not retain or share uploaded images or generated content, and provides clear guidelines for use.

This project is useful for anyone who wants to create unique content without having to have a lot of graphic design expertise. Businesses can also use it for fast and affordable visualization options for a variety of purposes.

Published on June 9, 2024

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