If you're looking for a neighborhood guide that includes local amenities, up-to-the-minute listings updates and detailed neighborhood profiles, Flyhomes is a good option. The AI-powered service offers neighborhood profiles and up-to-the-minute listings updates along with more advanced filters and the expertise of real estate agents. It also has some proprietary features like the ability to make cash offers and a "Buy Before You Sell" program, so it's a good option for serious home buyers.
Another option is Zillow, a major real estate marketplace. Zillow offers personalized recommendations based on your search history and location, up-to-the-minute updates on listings, and tools to estimate your home's value. It also offers tools for buyers and sellers, including easy property management for renters and a variety of options for homeowners who want to sell.
If you prefer a more analytical approach to buying a home, check out HomeScore. The service uses AI to offer detailed property information and personalized advice based on your lifestyle and risk profiles. It also offers features like instant repair cost estimates and offer strategies to help you make a more informed purchase.