
Explore properties in photorealistic virtual tours with immersive 3D experiences, interactive digital twins, and AI-driven property insights for informed sales decisions.
Real Estate Analysis Virtual Reality Interactive 3D Experiences

V-Estate transforms the real estate sales process with interactive 3D experiences for property showcases. Prospects can explore properties in photorealistic virtual tours that capture architectural details and ambient lighting.

Among V-Estate's features are:

  • Immersive 3D Exploration: Interior and exterior landscaping, and ambient lighting that's shown in high detail.
  • Interactive Digital Twins: Real-time 3D models that enable immersive virtual tours.
  • Virtual Staging and Simulations: Simulation technology that lets you see different design choices, furniture and staged settings.
  • AI-Powered Property Insights: Analysis of customer behavior, preferences and navigation to inform sales and marketing decisions.
  • Seamless Integration: Interactive kiosks, guided tours and multi-user collaboration tools to engage customers.

V-Estate is geared for real estate developers, agents and property owners who want to improve sales pitches and give customers a more immersive experience. With V-Estate's interactive tools, customers can explore properties' selling points, amenities and neighborhood details, and developers can steer buyers' decisions.

Pricing information for V-Estate isn't disclosed; interested parties can go to the company's website to schedule a demo and discuss pricing details.

Among the advantages of V-Estate are better customer engagement, sales and decision making. The virtualization technology also can reduce the risk of misinterpretation or misrepresentation, helping buyers get a better idea of what a property is really like.

Published on June 30, 2024

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