
Personalized property search and recommendations based on location and search history, with access to millions of listings and home valuation estimates.
Real Estate Analysis Property Valuation Digital Accessibility Solutions

Zillow is a top real estate marketplace designed to help you buy, sell and rent homes. You can search millions of for-sale and rental properties, see how Zestimate compares to other home values, and find local agents and lenders. The site uses location and search history to suggest homes you might be interested in, so you can stay on top of the market and find the right home.

Here are some of the top features:

  • Real Estate Listings: Search all homes, including those in specific cities like Albuquerque, Atlanta, Austin and more.
  • Rental Listings: Search rental buildings, apartments and houses in cities across the country.
  • Mortgage Rates: See current rates and rates specific to your location.
  • Home Valuation: Use Zillow's Zestimate to get an estimate of your home's value.
  • Recommendations: Get personalized suggestions based on your search history and location.
  • Accessibility: Committed to digital accessibility for people with disabilities.

Zillow offers tools to help home sellers, including options to sell with a partner agent, get a cash offer, sell traditionally or sell on their own. For renters, it offers tools to manage properties, including listing rentals, screening tenants, creating leases and collecting rent.

The service is available in many markets across the United States, with the personalized selling experience available in some cities in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Washington DC.

Zillow is committed to digital accessibility and welcomes feedback to help improve its site. It's a great resource for real estate agents, homebuyers, sellers and renters looking for a one-stop shop for their property needs.

Published on July 2, 2024

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