If you want a more general-purpose tool to get lots of information about a domain, including DNS records and hosting information, Host.io is a good option. This API-based service offers a range of information, including DNS records, website metadata, IP information and related domains. It's good for cybersecurity, business intelligence and competitor analysis, and its data is fast and accurate and backed by Google Cloud.
Another option is URL Meta. This service offers APIs to retrieve metadata from URLs and domains, including DNS records. The Meta API retrieves meta tags like title, description and image, and the Screenshot API retrieves full-page images. The DNS API supports all standard record types and has fast response times, so it's good for developers and apps that need meta information and domain monitoring.
If you want to monitor network security and device exposure, Shodan is a great tool. Shodan indexes the entire Internet once a week, giving you global Internet intelligence and real-time alerts for network exposure. It also offers a developer API for more detailed information about IP addresses and other Internet-connected devices, so it's good for monitoring network security and business intelligence.