
Utilize AI-powered tools to create a logo, build a website, and craft email campaigns and social posts with customizable templates.
Website Building Domain Registration Digital Marketing Tools

GoDaddy is an all-in-one solution to help you grow online. With a free trial, you can build a beautiful website, register a domain name, and get fast hosting, online marketing tools and 24/7 award-winning support.

GoDaddy offers a range of features to help businesses of all sizes:

  • Domain Names: Start with a .com domain, which comes with free domain privacy protection forever.
  • Websites: Get started quickly and easily with a mobile-friendly site with a free trial.
  • Email & Microsoft 365: Set up email addresses that match your domain to build trust and boost sales.
  • GoDaddy Airo: Use customizable, AI-powered tools to create a logo, build a website and create email campaigns and social posts.

GoDaddy Airo also comes with templates to sell and to track the results of marketing campaigns. That can help you stand out and learn how to optimize your business.

GoDaddy pricing varies depending on the specific plan you choose. The Basic plan starts at £6.99/month, the Premium plan starts at £11.99/month and the Ecommerce plan, which is designed for scalability and automation, starts at £13.99/month.

GoDaddy serves more than 20 million customers around the world and has a reputation for easy-to-use interfaces and helpful customer support. It's geared for small businesses, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, and offers a full range of tools to get established and stay established online. Whether you're looking to build a website, set up a professional email address or improve marketing, GoDaddy offers an easy and accessible way to get what you need.

Published on June 29, 2024

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