
Unlock precise user location and threat data with authoritative IP address insights, enabling informed business decisions and fraud protection.
IP Geolocation Threat Intelligence Fraud Detection

Ipregistry provides authoritative and trustworthy IP address data so businesses can find out where users are and get other information about them, block fraudsters and scrutinize log files. With its IP Geolocation and Threat Intelligence, Ipregistry enables businesses to make better decisions and protect their operations.

Some of the key features include:

  • Dual-Stack: Over 3 million unique locations worldwide for both IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Supports from a dozen to a million requests per day with anycast routing for low latency.
  • Threat Intelligence: Checks IP addresses against 220+ OSINT Threat Feeds to keep you safe from abuse.
  • Proxy & VPN Detection: Uncovers anonymous users to stop fraud and security breaches.
  • Comprehensive Dataset: Includes user location, currency, timezone, company data and threat data.
  • Easy Integration: Well-documented JSON and XML API with examples of use cases.
  • Continuous Updates: Fresh and accurate results from trusted sources.

Ipregistry is useful for publishers, ad networks, e-commerce sites, financial services, and other businesses. It can be used to personalize content for users without being creepy, for example with information like currency, location and time zone. The service also can help block online fraud by spotting suspicious activity like requests from hosting nodes, Tor, public proxies and VPNs.

The service charges based on a pay-as-you-go pricing model, with customers paying for each lookup. The service also offers prepaid credits in a range of packages:

  • 50,000 credits: $10
  • 100,000 credits: $50
  • 1,000,000 credits: $100
  • 6,000,000 credits: $500

New customers get 100,000 free lookups when they sign up. The pay-as-you-go pricing means businesses don't have to spend a lot of money upfront and can just focus on their business.

Ipregistry is for any business that wants to get more out of its users, spot suspicious activity and block fraud. That can include enriching customer interactions or ensuring compliance. Ipregistry offers a trusted source of IP address data.

Published on July 3, 2024

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