If you're looking for a conversational translation tool that uses voice recognition and text-to-speech technology, Byrdhouse could be a great option. It offers real-time voice and caption translation across more than 100 languages and comes with features like voice-to-text transcription, accent and dialect support, and auto-language detection. With a range of pricing options, Byrdhouse is good for remote teams, businesses and multicultural families.
Another contender is IzTalk. The service offers real-time voice translation for voice calls and automatic translation of written messages so people can communicate with others who speak other languages. IzTalk also offers AI-powered voice clones to maintain users' personalities, which could be helpful for people who do a lot of international business or have relationships across cultures.
Spoken AI is another contender. It uses a large AI language model to generate natural-sounding translations in more than 140 languages and 130 dialects. It's particularly good for dealing with dialect variations, so it could be useful for companies and people trying to bridge language and cultural gaps in their interactions.
Last is Verbalate. It supports more than 230 languages and offers video translation with voice cloning and lip-syncing. It's got features like human-in-the-loop translation and phonetic pronunciation, too, so it could be good for e-learning, creators and marketing people trying to localize their content.