
Turns voice into actionable insights, generating AI summaries, topic notes, and action items from voice recordings with high accuracy.
Voice Collaboration Automated Transcription Multilingual Support

Vocol is a GPT-based voice collaboration platform that turns voice into actionable text with high accuracy. It can generate AI summaries, topic notes and action items from voice recordings, so people and businesses can work together more effectively.

Vocol is designed to handle the flood of voice data that's become common in our lives, transcribing recordings, summarizing them and pulling out the most important topics from calls, interviews, meetings, podcasts and online courses. It can transcribe in multiple languages, including Chinese, Japanese and English.

Among its features:

  • Turn voice into actionable insights: Transcribe recordings and generate AI summaries so you can quickly get up to speed.
  • Align across teams: Record meetings and share key points so team members who missed the meeting can catch up.
  • Multilingual support: Transcribe in Chinese, Japanese and English.
  • Action Items: Turn transcript passages into actionable tasks so you can assign and track work.
  • Highlight Hub: Organize highlights from voice and meetings so you can see what's going on with your team.
  • Analytics: See how much data you're using, word clouds of topics and who's collaborating with whom.
  • Integrations: Link to meeting tools and services like Teams so you can record and transcribe meetings directly.

Vocol is designed to increase productivity by automating tedious work and improving teamwork. You can sign up for an account with 200 V-points, which is enough to transcribe a 1-minute recording. The company offers transparent pricing with no extra fees, and you can pay by debit/credit card or wire transfer for business licenses.

Vocol is good for individuals, teams and companies in many fields, but it's particularly useful for remote work, online learning and multilingual collaboration. By using AI technology, Vocol can help you get more out of your voice recordings and cut down on manual work.

Published on June 9, 2024

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