
Automate up to 70% of customer inquiries, increasing productivity and conversions, while delivering personalized experiences and boosting revenue.
Customer Service Automation E-commerce Optimization Personalized Customer Experience

Zowie is an AI-powered customer service platform designed specifically for e-commerce companies, helping them cut costs, boost revenue and deliver the best customer experiences. With automation across multiple touchpoints, Zowie helps you increase productivity, conversions and personalization.

Zowie's features include:

  • Automation: Automate up to 70% of tickets, focusing on the most common customer inquiries.
  • Agent Productivity: Increase productivity by 1.5x, so agents can handle more tickets per day.
  • Multi-Language Support: Support customers in more than 175 languages, for a truly global customer base.
  • Personalized Experiences: Use a 360-degree customer view to offer personalized support.
  • Revenue Growth: Boost average order value by 30%, conversion rates by 18%, and reduce cart abandonment by 13%.
  • Integrations: Plug in to your existing e-commerce platform, customer support software and chat channels.

Zowie's features for improving customer service include product advice, friction point resolution and incident handling. It also includes keyboard shortcuts, light and dark modes and an intuitive interface to improve agent experience.

Zowie is designed for e-commerce companies, and its goal is to help them achieve the best customer service performance in the market. By automating answers and automating tasks, it empowers teams to focus on higher value work, resulting in increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

Pricing and implementation details are available upon request. You can schedule a demo to learn more about Zowie and see if it's right for your business.

Published on June 21, 2024

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