
Export leads from LinkedIn searches with real-time verified contact data, including emails, phone numbers, and job titles, to accelerate sales prospecting.
Sales Prospecting Contact Data Management Lead Generation

Wiza is a sales prospecting and engagement platform that offers verified contact data for sales, recruiting and marketing professionals. The company's mission is to make prospecting easier by offering real-time verified contact details like email addresses, mobile numbers, and more.

Wiza lets you export leads from LinkedIn searches into lists with verified contact information so you can quickly and easily reach out to prospects. The company's Chrome extension makes it easy, letting you search LinkedIn Sales Navigator and retrieve contact information with a click.

Among Wiza's features are:

  • Real-time Verified Contact Data: Get the most up-to-date contact information including emails, phone numbers, and job titles.
  • Bulk Export: Export entire LinkedIn searches or lists directly into CSV files or sync with CRM systems.
  • Data Sync: Connect and sync data with other tools to reduce manual data entry.
  • Advanced Search Filters: Narrow down prospects with 30+ filters like job title, company size, and industry.
  • Email Verification: Get 99%+ deliverability rates with built-in email verification.

Some examples of Wiza use cases include:

  • Sales Teams: Get validated prospect information to make cold outreach easier.
  • Recruiters: Find candidate contact information to improve talent acquisition.
  • Marketing: Build targeted custom audiences for targeted advertising.

Wiza offers flexible pricing options:

  • Free: 20 free credits per month, no credit card required.
  • Monthly: $83 per month per user, billed annually at $990 per year. Includes unlimited emails, CRM integration, and email support.
  • Annual: $166 per month per user, billed annually at $1990 per year. Includes unlimited emails, unlimited phone numbers, and CRM integration.

Wiza is used by more than 50,000 businesses and has an average rating of 4.6/5 from G2 users and 4.8/5 on the Chrome Store. The tool can be used by anyone who needs to prospect, from occasional use to large sales teams, and offers a free trial to get started.

Published on July 16, 2024

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