
Combines search in structured data, text, and vectors in one query, enabling scalable and efficient machine-learned model inference for production-ready applications.
Artificial Intelligence Search Engine Vector Database

Vespa is an online platform that lets you put Artificial Intelligence (AI) to practical use on large data sets. It offers a full-featured search engine and vector database, with support for a variety of features like vector search, lexical search and search in structured data. This means you can build production-ready search applications at any scale, combining different features like fast vector search and filtering with machine-learned models.

Vespa can be used in several key areas:

  • Search: Supports vector search, lexical search, and search in structured data, all in the same query, making it great for building production-ready search applications.
  • Recommendation and Personalization: Allows you to build applications that score recommender models over content items to pick the best ones, and that can make recommendations tailored to each user or context.
  • Generative AI: Combines vector, text, and structured data search with machine-learned relevance models and powerful tensor computations, and is great for use cases that need recent, detailed or private information.
  • Semi-structured Navigation: Offers features for applications that need structured navigation, with the ability to group data dynamically for navigation and filtering, along with search and recommendation.

Vespa is unique in its ability to combine search in structured data, text, and vectors in one query, offering both functionality and performance that isn't possible with other technologies. The platform also supports scalable and efficient machine-learned model inference, which can be integrated with a wide range of machine learning tools.

The platform has auto-elastic data management, which automatically distributes data across nodes and redistributes in the background when changes occur. This ensures high end-to-end performance, making it great for applications that need to serve thousands of queries per second with latency less than 100 milliseconds.

Vespa offers free usage to get started. By taking advantage of its powerful features and scalability, you can quickly apply AI to your data and build applications that are both functional and performant.

Published on June 14, 2024

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