
Produces human-quality translations rapidly and automatically, leveraging AI to understand context and streamline localization workflows for global audience reach.
Translation Management Localization Solutions Artificial Intelligence Translation

Transifex is an all-in-one platform designed to streamline translation and localization for businesses that want to reach a broader audience. The company uses AI to produce human-quality translations rapidly and automatically, which is useful for companies that want to reach people in other countries.

Transifex is a centralized platform for all localization tasks, including content ingestion, translation and publishing. It integrates with other tools like Figma, Jira and Contentful so teams can localize content from a variety of sources. That means people can get what they need without worrying that some emails are lost or some spreadsheets are outdated.

Among other features:

  • Human-quality translations: Transifex uses AI to produce translations that are human quality, not just computer-generated gobbledygook.
  • Context-based translations: Transifex AI understands context to produce translations that are on brand and on point.
  • Automated workflows: Get rid of manual labor and collaboration hassles with automated translation, review and publishing processes.
  • Translation Memory: Cut translation work by using translation memory and machine translation.
  • Customizable workflows: Set up your localization process just the way your company likes it.
  • Real-time publishing: Publish translated content automatically with APIs, CLI or Native and Live features.

Transifex also has specialized tools for specific workflows, like Transifex Native for software localization and Transifex Live for real-time website translation. Both of those use AI to speed up the localization process without sacrificing quality.

Transifex counts many tech industry heavyweights among its customers, and they say they've improved their localization processes. You can try Transifex for 15 days without paying to see how it works and whether it's right for you. If you want to see more, demos are also available.

Whether you're a developer, manager or translator, Transifex is designed to be easy to use to ingest and deliver high-quality translations. That means businesses can reach more people around the world.

Published on June 24, 2024

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