
Automatically listens to and understands meetings, creating transcripts and summaries, and completing tasks 20x faster, freeing up time for higher-priority work.
Meeting Productivity Workflow Automation AI-powered Task Management

Shadow is an AI autopilot bot-free tool that's designed to let you get on with your work after a meeting by automatically listening to and understanding what was said and doing the paperwork for you. It can cut the time it takes to do follow-up work by a factor of 20, for example from writing follow-up emails to updating a company's CRM system.

Shadow's autopilot technology can handle actions discussed in a meeting without requiring you to push buttons. Once you've activated it, Shadow will listen in the background, almost imperceptibly, and create a transcript and a timestamped summary. Shadow can then use that transcript to take actions like extracting action items, key takeaways and writing follow-up emails.

Among Shadow's features:

  • Autopilot Mode: Automatically starts listening to conversations without requiring you to do anything.
  • Bot-Free Meeting Recording: Records and transcribes conversations on your own device for better privacy.
  • Complete Tasks 20x Faster: Automates routine work so you can focus on higher-priority tasks.
  • Privacy First: Records are stored locally, so nobody else can access them unless you give permission.
  • Ever-Growing Skills: Continuously learns new skills to expand its abilities.

Shadow is designed to free up time you'd otherwise spend on routine work so you can focus on higher-level work. By using AI in a way that's designed to be helpful to humans, Shadow can improve meeting productivity and workflow. It can be particularly useful for freelancers and solopreneurs who have to juggle multiple client calls on different services, since it can consolidate meetings into a single, searchable record.

Pricing isn't disclosed. Shadow is available for download on MacOS machines starting in November 2020, but you can sign up for a waitlist for Windows and other machines.

Published on July 16, 2024

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