
Provides instant answers to customer questions, reducing support tickets, by learning from your website's content and knowledge base without training.
Chatbot Development Customer Service Automation Knowledge Management

PageBot is a GPT-powered chatbot that can help you turn customer conversations on your website into engaging, helpful, and fast interactions. It can learn from your website's content and knowledge base without any training. And with a single line of code, you can give customers answers to their questions instantly, freeing your time to build products instead of answering customer support questions.

PageBot supports a variety of file types and can be integrated with existing REST APIs so you can dynamically link to different data sources with meta tags. Some of its key features include:

  • Instant Responses: Gives customers answers to their questions immediately, reducing the number of support tickets for basic questions.
  • Dynamic Data Sources: Supports PDFs, web pages, and APIs.
  • Knowledge Gap Detection: Finds areas where your knowledge base is incomplete and can automatically escalate to human support when needed.
  • Customizable: Can be styled with CSS overrides to match your website.
  • Multi-Language Support: Supports more than 130 languages automatically.
  • Tiny Footprint: ~20kb when gzipped.

PageBot is pay-as-you-go, with no monthly subscription fees. You only pay for the messages the chatbot actually answers at $0.05 per message. There's a free plan with 50 messages per month, and no credit card is required. That means it's a good option for companies of any size.

If you have a lot of knowledge bases, PageBot can help you get your customers the help they need faster, so you can focus on higher-priority work.

Published on June 14, 2024

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