Option Alpha

Boost options trading profits with automation tools, backtesting, visualizations, and live monitoring, refining strategies and finding better trades.
Algorithmic Trading Options Trading Automated Trading Tools

Option Alpha is geared for options traders, with automation tools to boost profits and find better trades. The project is designed to turn you into a better trader by taking advantage of features like backtesting, visualizations and live monitoring.

Option Alpha's tools can help you refine your trading strategy:

  • 0DTE Oracle: Find and backtest 0DTE and next day trades for cash settlement and good tax treatment.
  • Visual Price Range and Earnings Dates: See the expected price range and max pain for each expiration.
  • Earnings Edge: Use a math-based system for trading earnings announcements to find trades based on historical price action.
  • Pre-calculated Trading Ideas: Look at math and probability based trading ideas and place orders instantly.
  • Live Interactive Options Payoff Diagrams: See the payoff of any position, including profit/loss, probability, EV, Alpha and more.
  • Automated Position Monitoring: Stop doing manual position monitoring and let the technology do it for you, updating every minute.

Option Alpha has three tiers of subscription plans:

  • Standard: $79/month or $69/month with an annual plan, with 10 bots and 100 backtests per month, with a $25,000 limit per bot.
  • Pro: $99/month or $79/month with an annual plan, with 20 bots and 250 backtests per month, with a $50,000 limit per bot.
  • Pro+: $199/month or $159/month with an annual plan, with 50 bots and 500 backtests per month, with a $100,000 limit per bot.

Option Alpha also provides free educational resources, including a beginner track with 14 lessons, an intermediate track with 12 lessons, and an advanced track with 16 lessons. The company also offers a 30-day free trial with no credit card required.

For people who link their TradeStation or Tradier brokerage account, Option Alpha is offering a free Pro+ membership, a $2,400 per year discount. The offer is for people with more than $2,000 at Tradier Brokerage or more than $10,000 at TradeStation.

By bringing automation and advanced trading tools within reach of people who don't have to write their own code, Option Alpha hopes to make trading easier and help people reach their goals more quickly.

Published on August 9, 2024

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