
Unlock real-time social and market insights with AI-driven trend analysis, sentiment tracking, and data visualization to inform investment decisions.
Social Media Analytics Market Intelligence Sentiment Analysis

LunarCrush is a social media analytics service that can help you get ahead by using real-time social and market data. The service is intended to give retail investors and businesses a better idea of what to do with their money by offering insights and intelligence.

Among LunarCrush's features are:

  • Trending Assets: See the hottest financial assets, analyzed with AI to combine social signals and market data and spot trends.
  • Social Metrics: See social engagement metrics, including trends for likes, comments, shares, and posts, to spot what's going on in the market and get a better idea of sentiment through data visualization.
  • Market Data: See real-time market data, including price, market capitalization, trading volume, annual highs and lows, and circulating supply.
  • Creator Rankings: See how influential content creators are for all assets and topics.
  • Sentiment Analysis: See AI-powered social media sentiment analysis for market-wide and niche sentiment.
  • Impactful Posts: See the social media posts that are most likely to shape market narratives and move the needle.

LunarCrush also offers creator campaigns, which let companies create targeted campaigns funded with crypto or fiat money. Creators are vetted objectively based on verifiable social data and are rewarded with BUZ tokens for participating and creating good content.

The LunarCrush API lets developers build their own social applications:

  • Trading models with deep social media data
  • Engaging apps and widgets
  • Keyword tracking and surfacing important discussions

LunarCrush pricing includes:

  • Discover: $24 per month (annual plan discounts $6 per month), with real-time social metrics, trending investments and topics and insights.
  • API Pro: $240 per month (annual plan discounts $60 per month), with more API access, chat and email support and a 20,000 API call per day limit.
  • API Enterprise: Custom pricing for higher API call limits, custom solutions and premium human support.

LunarCrush promises to bring transparency through data, making social intelligence available to anyone with access to the internet. By using advanced AI and market data, you can get an edge in your investment strategy. For more details, check out LunarCrush.

Published on July 21, 2024

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