
Provides instant and accurate customer support through automated answers, product recommendations, and customizable knowledge base, in over 70 languages.
E-commerce Solutions Chatbot Development Customer Service Automation

HeiChat is an e-commerce AI chatbot plugin that can help businesses improve customer satisfaction by answering questions immediately and correctly. With its advanced scraping technology and integration with ChatGPT, HeiChat works with a variety of e-commerce sites, including Shopify and WooCommerce, to help businesses offer better customer support and boost sales.

HeiChat is easy to set up and use, with no technical expertise required. A three-step setup process gets it up and running fast, and a chatbot preview lets you test it before it goes live. The plugin is trained on the website's policies and products, so it can adapt to different e-commerce situations.

Among HeiChat's features are:

  • Multi-Lingual Support: Answers customer questions in more than 70 languages.
  • Automatic Product Recommendations: Can suggest up to 20,000 products in a store.
  • Customizable Knowledge Base: Supports up to 3,000 knowledge base entries.
  • Manual Correction and Training: Lets you fine-tune AI responses for better results.

HeiChat offers several pricing tiers to suit different businesses:

  • Free: $0/month, 100,000 tokens, 500 product recommendations.
  • Pro Plus: $69.9/month, 16,500,000 tokens, 3,000 product recommendations.
  • Pro Max: $200/month, 80,000,000 tokens, 20,000 product recommendations.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for large-scale, localized installations.

Customer reviews say HeiChat has helped them cut customer support work and boost sales. HeiChat is designed to work with a wide range of e-commerce sites, so it can be a good option for businesses looking to improve their online customer service.

Published on August 3, 2024

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