Glitter AI

Automatically turns desktop and web captures into interactive guides with AI speech-to-text technology, simplifying complex process documentation and sharing.
Instructional Content Creation Knowledge Management Collaboration Tools

Glitter AI also lets you create step-by-step instructions for a variety of tasks, so you can teach your coworkers, customers or others how to do things. The AI technology makes it easier to create instructional content.

The core Glitter AI technology is its ability to turn desktop and web captures into guides using AI speech-to-text technology. That means you can quickly document complex processes then share them with others. For example, you can create a guide on how to invite a friend to an event you're scheduling with Google Calendar, and the steps will be easy to follow and reproduce.

Glitter AI has three pricing tiers for different needs:

  • Basic: Free, with up to 10 guides and basic features like desktop and web capture and AI speech-to-text technology.
  • Pro: $16/month, with unlimited guides and other features like blurring sensitive information, removing branding and exporting guides.
  • Team: $60/month, with all Pro features and support for up to 5 team members, with $12/month for each additional person.

Glitter AI is geared for teams, businesses and individuals who want to make it easier to share knowledge and simplify the mundane parts of life. By creating step-by-step instructions, you can improve collaboration, customer support and personal productivity.

Published on June 24, 2024

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