If you're looking for a Cyanite replacement, SONOTELLER is another promising option. This AI-powered song analysis tool offers detailed summaries of song lyrics and music, including song attributes like genres, moods and instruments. It also offers autotagging that can be useful for catalog management and integration with catalog management processes through its API.
Another good option is Natural Language Playlist, an AI-powered music playlist generator. It can generate playlists based on text prompts that describe the music and cultural characteristics you want. This is a good option for people who want to explore music based on subtle preferences, so it's a good candidate for those who like to search for hyper-specific things.
If you want something more interactive, try PlaylistAI. The service is available on Spotify and Apple Music, among other services, and offers features like smart suggestions, prompts for custom playlists and personalized favorites. Its ability to generate playlists from festival posters and to blend genres with BPM range filtering can be good for discovering new music.
Last, Muze offers a different approach to playlist generation based on input. You can describe a mood, activity or music style and get a well-curated playlist. This AI-powered web app offers a personalized music streaming experience based on your preferences, so it's a good option for people who want to try to get more out of their music exploration.