
Generate high-quality, original music tracks based on custom text prompts, with control over genre, mood, length, and instrumentation.
Music Generation Artificial Intelligence Text-to-Music Conversion

CassetteAI is a text-to-music AI platform that uses artificial intelligence to create music based on text prompts. With the ability to generate high-quality tracks that meet your specific needs and preferences, it's designed for those who don't have a lot of music or technical expertise.

CassetteAI's machine learning technology analyzes patterns, styles and trends in music to create original and high-quality tracks. You can specify parameters like genre, mood, length and instrumentation, then let the platform create an original track from scratch. The platform also keeps your music private until you choose to export or share it.

Some examples of music created with CassetteAI include mellow trap beats, uplifting synthwave tracks and two-minute rock tracks. The examples show the range of the platform's abilities and its potential to accommodate different styles and preferences.

Here are some of the key features of CassetteAI:

  • Custom AI Model: Uses latent diffusion models (LDMs) to imagine music based on text prompts.
  • Unlimited Music: Each creation is unique, and you have full control over your work.
  • No Ownership: CassetteAI doesn't own the music it generates.

CassetteAI is designed to democratize music creation for anyone, regardless of experience. The company's goal is to give users the power to get the best possible exposure for creators and their work. The interface is designed to be easy to use for anyone, regardless of experience.

Pricing isn't yet disclosed. For details and to try out CassetteAI for yourself, check out the company's website.

Published on June 13, 2024

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