Analyze song attributes like genres, moods, and instruments, and uncover the "golden minute" of a song, with detailed descriptions of lyrics and music.
Music Analysis Artificial Intelligence Music Curation

SONOTELLER is an AI-based song analyzer that offers a detailed description of song lyrics and music. It's geared for people who want to understand what's going on in their favorite songs and who want to improve their music knowledge.

SONOTELLER uses artificial intelligence to analyze song attributes like genres, subgenres, moods, instruments, BPM and key. It also can pinpoint the "golden minute" of a song, which is the most interesting part, like the chorus.

The tool is also useful for music labels and publishers, which can use autotagging to organize their music catalogs and make them easier to find on streaming services. SONOTELLELLER's API offers specific endpoints for music and lyrics analysis so it's easy to integrate with catalog management processes.

SONOTELLER is in beta testing, so expect some occasional glitches and delays.

To try SONOTELLER, you can search for an artist and song title, or paste a YouTube URL into the search box. The analysis takes less than a minute per song. For people who want to tag their own music that isn't on YouTube, there are separate instructions.

SONOTELLER also offers a discount of up to 50% for music labels and publishers who apply through a specific form.

Please visit the website for more details on pricing, use cases and how to integrate SONOTELLER into your workflow.

Published on June 14, 2024

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