Natural Language Playlist

Generates personalized music playlists based on musical and cultural characteristics, using natural language search to capture genre, lyrics, sonics, and vibes.
Music Curation Personalized Music Recommendations Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Playlist uses AI and natural language search to create personalized music playlists. The tool, which is trained on a corpus of text-based song metadata, generates playlists based on musical and cultural characteristics. It's great for people who want to discover new music, and Natural Language Playlist is particularly good at understanding genre, lyrics, sonics and vibes.

Here are some of the key features:

  • Language-powered search: You tell the AI what kind of playlist you're looking for, and it'll create one for you.
  • Musical and cultural understanding: The model is good at capturing musical and cultural attributes like genre, mood and tempo.
  • Hyper-specific search: You can ask for songs from obscure genres, with lyrics about a particular subject and with a particular sound.

To get the best results, use descriptive language that captures the musical and cultural aspects of what you're looking for. Don't use negations, and try to avoid specific artists or songs. Instead, use clear, positive language.

Here are some examples of good playlist prompts:

  • "Midwest Emo songs to cry in the shower to because my girlfriend broke up with me."
  • "Absolutely unlistenable songs. Music that doesn't even sound like music."
  • "Very danceable, positive mood, fast tempo, high energy, songs for lovers."

Natural Language Playlist is geared for music lovers who want to explore and find new music that fits their style. It's a good fit for people who like to discover music based on subtle characteristics and descriptions.

Check out Natural Language Playlist to try it out and create your own playlists.

Published on June 13, 2024

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