
Unlock accurate B2B connections with phone-verified mobile numbers and unrestricted access to person and company-level data, boosting prospecting and conversion rates.
Sales Intelligence B2B Data Prospect Research Automation

Cognism offers premium sales intelligence, providing high-quality B2B data and tools to increase prospecting and conversion rates. With over 1800 customers worldwide, Cognism provides phone-verified mobile numbers and B2B emails to ensure you have the right contact information to reach the right people.

Some of the key features of Cognism include:

  • Phone-verified mobile numbers: Get accurate connections with 87% of your list.
  • Unrestricted access to person and company-level data: No more credit limits and geo-restrictions.
  • International coverage: Expand into local and global markets across EMEA, NAM and APAC.
  • Easy platform setup and integrations: Connect with CRM and sales engagement tools like Salesforce, Hubspot and Outreach.
  • Intent data: Trigger on hiring, funding and job join signals and combine with contextual data to target buyers who are most likely to buy from you.

Cognism solves the problems of bad data and time-consuming prospect research so sales reps can focus on actual conversations. The platform has been shown to increase live conversations by three times, with customers achieving ROI in as little as eight weeks and reducing calls needed to meet targets by up to 70%.

Cognism is built to support a wide range of revenue teams, including sales, marketing and RevOps, by offering:

  • Sales: Increase conversions with phone-verified mobile data, achieving five times more conversations and meetings booked.
  • Marketing: Create sales-ready opportunities with actionable leads, achieving ROI in just eight weeks.
  • RevOps: Improve the overall sales function with premium B2B data and integrations, achieving ROI in record time.

Cognism offers a pricing model based on the number of seats and license type, with a flat platform access fee that covers data maintenance, setup, onboarding and support. Integrations are included as standard, and there are no credit-based restrictions on data access.

Cognism is suitable for sales teams and marketers who want to improve their prospecting and conversion rates. Cognism ensures you stay compliant with GDPR requirements while providing accurate and consistent data for effective outreach. With its easy-to-use platform and extensive coverage of mobile numbers, Cognism helps you build more meaningful connections and achieve revenue goals efficiently.

Published on July 2, 2024

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