Big Room

Automatically converts landscape videos into vertical format for seamless sharing on TikTok, IG Reels, and YouTube Shorts, with optional automatic captioning.
Video Format Conversion Social Media Content Creation Automated Captioning

Big Room uses AI to convert landscape videos into vertical format so you can share them on TikTok, IG Reels and YouTube Shorts. The tool is designed to make content creation easier by automatically converting video into the format needed for each platform.

Big Room's main trick is the ability to rapidly convert landscape videos into vertical videos, but it's useful for other content, too, like presentations, unboxing videos, interviews, podcasts and more. You can upload a video and get a vertical version with no further work. The company also offers automatic captioning technology for another step out of the process.

Big Room is geared for a wide range of people and content creators. Among those already using the service are popular creators First We Feast, Tasty and 360 with Speedy Morman.

For people who need help getting their content into the right format for different social media services, Big Room is a useful option. The company converts videos fast while keeping full rights to the content you upload. You can check the Big Room website to learn more about what it can do and how much it costs.

Published on June 14, 2024

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