
Automatically turns long-form content into engaging, shareable videos with AI-driven editing, captioning, and trend tracking for optimized social media publishing.
Video Editing Content Repurposing Social Media Optimization

Munch is an AI video repurposing platform that can turn your long-form content into engaging, shareable videos with the click of a button. It's designed to automatically edit video, automatically generate captions, publish content, and publish it all through a user-friendly interface.

Munch is built on a large foundation of machine learning technology that is trained to keep the most important moments of each video in the spotlight. The platform is geared for extracting the most compelling and impactful moments from long-form videos, and is geared for professionals including brands, social media managers, media agencies, digital marketers and content creators.

Among other things, Munch offers:

  • AI-Driven Editing: Automatically finds the most compelling moments from long-form videos.
  • Trend Tracking: Finds the moments in videos most likely to trend on social media, based on marketing signals and analysis.
  • Auto-Caption Generation: Automatically adds captions to clips, increasing accessibility and engagement.
  • Multi-Language Support: Automatically supports more than 10 languages, including Spanish, German, Hindi and Japanese.
  • Customizable Branding: Allows you to add logos, brand colors and fonts to clips.

Munch is designed to help you elevate your content strategy by repurposing what you already have and increasing engagement. It's designed to save you time and money by automatically creating clips and generating social posts. The company's AI technology also ensures that the content is optimized for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and other video platforms.

Pricing isn't clear, but you can try Munch for free to see what it can do. For more details and to check out the full range of features, check the Munch website.

Published on June 14, 2024

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