
Transform long videos into engaging, viral short-form content with AI-driven auto-reframing, curation, and captioning for TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels.
Video Editing Social Media Management Content Optimization

OpusClip is an AI-based tool that quickly transforms long videos into engaging, viral and high-quality short-form videos for TikTok, YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. The tool is designed to help you reach a broader audience and boost engagement by using AI to make it easy to repurpose video content.

OpusClip uses several key features to do the trick:

  • Auto Reframe: Clips are adapted for different aspect ratios, with the AI system tracking speakers and moving subjects for the best presentation.
  • AI Curation: The tool analyzes the most engaging moments from different parts of the video, then edits them together into viral short-form videos.
  • Animated Captions: The tool automatically adds captions with high accuracy, with a range of templates to customize.

OpusClip also offers a range of customization options:

  • AI B-Roll: Adds contextually relevant B-roll to the video, drawing from royalty-free stock footage or AI-generated imagery.
  • Brand Templates: Users can create templates with their own font styles, brand colors, logos and more.
  • Editing: Offers a simple editor with text-based and timeline-based editing options.

OpusClip also can be used to schedule and post videos:

  • Social Post Scheduler: Autoposts and schedules clips to YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn and other video sharing sites.
  • Aspect Ratios: Supports multiple aspect ratios (1:1, 16:9 and 9:16) for each platform.
  • Virality Score: Offers a score to gauge virality potential for each short-form video based on analysis of thousands of viral videos.

The tool is also designed to be used by teams:

  • Export to XML: Exports to Adobe Premiere Pro and other software for further editing.
  • Team Workspace: Allows easy setup of team accounts for collaborative project management.

OpusClip offers three pricing tiers:

  • Pro Plan: $29 per month or $9.50 per month (limited time offer), geared for professional creators and teams, with 3,600 processing minutes per year, 2 users in the team workspace and other features like AI B-roll and social media scheduling.
  • Starter Plan: $9 per month, geared for individual creators, with 150 processing minutes per month and core AI features like animated captions and virality scores.
  • Free Plan: Free forever, with 60 processing minutes per month, auto reframing, AI captions, but with limited features and watermarked clips.

OpusClip is a useful tool for content creators and businesses that want to make it easier to turn longer videos into short-form videos that are more likely to engage people. Its advanced AI abilities and customization options make it adaptable to a variety of uses, from video podcasts to educational videos and product reviews.

Published on June 14, 2024

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