If you're looking for another Articula alternative, Byrdhouse could be worth a look. This AI-powered information retrieval system offers real-time voice and caption translation across more than 100 languages, which makes it useful for remote workers, multinational companies and multilingual families. It offers voice-to-text transcription, support for different accents and dialects, and a range of pricing options for different customers.
Another good option is IzTalk, which offers real-time voice translation and more advanced messaging abilities. The service offers AI-powered voice clones that can help keep people's personalities intact in translations and supports a broad range of languages. With an interface that's designed to be easy to use and with frequent updates, IzTalk is designed to make multilingual communication as smooth as possible.
If you need more-robust translation abilities, EzDubs offers automated chat translation, voice message dubbing and live phone call translation. It also works with video conferencing tools like Zoom and Teams, so it's good for individuals and companies that want to communicate across languages without a lot of hassle.
Last is Dialects, which focuses on real-time voice and text translation across more than 100 languages. It offers live voice sync, instant text-to-speech translation and a clean interface for easy project management. It's geared for small to midsize teams and companies with global operations.