
Automatically track eCommerce events and optimize ad campaigns with accurate pixel and ad attribution, increasing revenue and maximizing ROAS.
E-commerce Optimization Ad Campaign Management Data Enrichment

AdTrace is an eCommerce analytics and ad attribution platform that helps brands optimize their ad campaigns and maximize ROAS. With a fully customizable platform built on Shopify Plus' latest technology, AdTrace helps businesses get accurate pixel and ad attribution so they can target ads better and increase revenue.

AdTrace includes several key features:

  • Server-Side Tracking: Automatically track eCommerce events and send data to Google, Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat.
  • Ad Campaign Management: Track and analyze ad campaign data in a centralized dashboard.
  • Data Enrichment: Run additional data points to identify target customers.

By connecting to Google, TikTok, Facebook and Snapchat, AdTrace lets customers report accurate ad attribution from their Shopify store back to ad platforms. That helps them identify unknown customers and convert them into known contact data for better retargeting and event match scores.

AdTrace is used by more than 10,000 brands, including Giarite, SHAKIRA, SOMMER SWIM WEAR, BETZ, PetLand, BuyInStore, FreshPet and LuxeWatch. Customers have reported that AdTrace is easy to use and provides detailed insights.

AdTrace offers a 7-day free trial so customers can try it before committing to a plan. And for those looking to level up their ad attribution, AdTrace provides a simple way to optimize ad performance and improve ROAS.

Published on July 6, 2024

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