
Creates and delivers millions of personalized ads and messages across 22 channels, continuously optimizing campaigns in real-time for maximum relevance.
Personalized Marketing Omnichannel Marketing AI-powered Advertising

AdGreetz is an integrated marketing platform designed to help brands create more meaningful relationships with their customers by creating and delivering millions of personalized ads and messages across 22 channels. These channels include Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, YouTube, OTT, CTV, Programmatic, Email, SMS, App, TikTok, and Snapchat.

AdGreetz uses AI and machine learning to create data-driven, hyper-relevant, and dynamic ads. It offers a full-service omnichannel solution, allowing users to reach their audience across multiple touchpoints at the same time. One of its core capabilities is AdChef AI, which continuously optimizes marketing campaigns in real-time to deliver the most relevant ad to the most relevant person at the most relevant time, in the most relevant location, and on the most relevant channel.

The platform can handle a variety of creative formats, including live action, animation, graphics and voiceovers, and can output in a variety of creative formats, including video, banner and GIF ads and messages. AdGreetz also can incorporate data from multiple sources, including brand, geolocation, cookie, third-party, social, real-time, publisher, contextual, user-generated and decisional data, and is GDPR and PII compliant.

AdGreetz has a number of success stories with high-profile customers, including Facebook, Instagram, Google, Amazon, BMW, PepsiCo, Flipkart, Kraft, Lidl, Disney, Zalando and Quaker. These customers have seen dramatic improvements in engagement metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates and revenue. The company has been featured in numerous press articles and has won awards from respected sources like AdAge, The Wrap, Cynopsis Media and The New York Times.

AdGreetz is designed to help businesses increase revenue by 2-3 times by creating and delivering highly personalized ads and messages. It caters to a variety of industries and advertisers looking to take their marketing to the next level with AI-powered solutions. For those interested in learning more about AdGreetz, you can visit their website for more information.

Published on July 10, 2024

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