
Generate exact, guaranteed, and accurate vehicle offers instantly, leveraging real-time market data and diagnostic scans for profitable retail or wholesale exit decisions.
Vehicle Appraisal Automotive Retail Solutions Profit Optimization

AccuTrade is a car appraisal tool designed to help dealerships scale acquisitions and maximize profits. It offers transparent, guaranteed and accurate offers based on real-time market data and diagnostic scans to ensure the best price for every vehicle. The tool is designed to give teams the confidence to make exact offers fast, so they can make profitable retail or wholesale exit decisions.

AccuTrade's features include:

  • No-risk instant offers: Generate exact offers guaranteed to be buyable at the same value.
  • High-reward exit decisions: Use real-time market and VIN-level data to make profitable retail or wholesale exit decisions.
  • Transparency: Step-by-step experience with transparent insight into the valuation process.
  • OBD-II scan technology: Automatically includes diagnostic issues in appraisals and condition reports to prevent profit loss.
  • Daily updates: Daily updates to each VIN's value ensures profitable exit decisions in a rapidly changing market.

AccuTrade integrates directly with Dealer Inspire, allowing website visitors to generate their own instant offers online and pick up where they left off at the dealership. It also integrates with to free up consumer inventory from the marketplace.

AccuTrade says dealerships have used it to appraise more than 1 million vehicles in 2023, resulting in an average profit increase of up to $2,700 per vehicle and recon cost loss avoidance of about $12,000 per month. It also integrates with more than 100 popular DMS, IMS, CRM, website, guidebook and service drive tools for a seamless connection with existing systems.

Dealerships can reach out to the AccuTrade team for on-site training and ongoing performance management to develop custom acquisition strategies and optimize the use of the tool. The technology is developed in partnership with forward-thinking retailers who use it every day, ensuring it's constantly improving.

Published on July 2, 2024

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