AB Tasty

Optimizes user experience and conversion rates through AI-driven testing, personalization, and feature experimentation across multiple digital touchpoints.
Digital Experience Optimization Personalization Conversion Rate Optimization AI-powered Search Feature Experimentation

AB Tasty is a digital experience optimization platform that helps businesses optimize their user experience and conversion rates. The platform provides a suite of tools to support testing, personalization and feature experimentation across multiple digital touchpoints. With the use of AI, AB Tasty empowers businesses to deliver personalized experiences to their customers, leading to increased engagement, loyalty and revenue.

Some of the key features include:

  • Web Experimentation: Sophisticated A/B testing and multivariate testing to rapidly and confidently achieve conversion goals.
  • Search: AI-powered search engine to personalize results and reduce bounce rates.
  • Feature Experimentation: Run complex experiments across all touchpoints and devices to optimize feature releases.
  • Personalize: Balance specificity with scale to create personalized experiences that resonate with each individual.
  • Recommend: Highlight cross-sell opportunities and help customers discover new products.
  • Rollout: Gradually release new features with automatic KPI-triggered rollbacks.

AB Tasty also offers advanced segmentation options based on emotional needs, engagement and customer behavior. And it includes tools for advanced statistical analysis, decision-making and risk management. The platform is designed to help businesses maximize ROI, drive engagement and build loyalty.

The platform has an intuitive interface and a wealth of support resources. AB Tasty integrates easily with existing technology stacks, including CDPs and analytics tools, for easy data exchange and a complete view of the user.

AB Tasty is designed for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Its flexibility and scalability make it a good fit for companies looking to optimize their digital experience and improve customer satisfaction.

Pricing is not disclosed, so you'll need to contact the AB Tasty team for a custom quote. The company offers demos and walkthroughs to help you understand how the platform can help your specific business needs.

Published on June 24, 2024

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