If you want a service to help you get involved in political campaigns and make a difference in your community, Resistbot is a great choice. The chatbot interface lets you reach out to your federal, state or local representatives. You can sign up with a text message to 50409 and the bot will find your representatives. It also can draft letters, sign you up for campaigns and protect voter registration. So far, it's sent more than 30 million letters and has been shown to boost voter turnout.
Another service worth a look is Plural, which offers a broad interface for tracking and analyzing US federal and state legislation. It uses AI to provide real-time alerts, automated summaries and collaborative workspaces, making it a good choice for advocacy groups and individuals who want to keep up with what's happening and get involved.
For more general organizational tasks, SurveyMonkey offers a flexible interface for creating and customizing surveys, forms and polls. The tool can be used to gather information from stakeholders, an important step in understanding community sentiment and preferences. It integrates with lots of other apps and offers a range of pricing options.