If you want a music discovery tool that'll suggest songs based on your current mood, Moodify is a good option. The tool uses Spotify's private API and an AI trained to recognize emotional sentiment to suggest new songs that match the current song's mood. It evaluates attributes like genre, tempo, danceability, key and speechiness to make mood-based recommendations, but it does so in a way that's geared to your current emotional state.
Another option is PlaylistAI, an AI-powered playlist generator that works on multiple platforms. You can generate playlists on the fly based on your preferences and moods by typing in descriptive text. It offers smart suggestions based on the time of day and custom playlists based on prompts you type, so you can find music that fits your mood.
If you want something more integrated, Moodset tracks your mood with AI and pairs it with your music preferences. It gauges emotions based on the circumplex model and offers personalized playlists to match the mood you want to be in. The app is designed to help people become more self-aware and better regulate their emotions, so it's a good tool for working on your emotions and mental health alongside finding music.